Photo of the owner of Portland Innovative Senior Living, Amanda Shields.

Amanda Shields

Amanda is originally from New Zealand where she started her nursing career over 30 years ago. In 1991 she moved to Hawaii, obtaining her masters degree from the University of Hawaii in 1999. She began her career as a nurse practitioner specializing in geriatrics 20 years ago. In 2008 she moved to Oregon with her husband, daughter, 2 dogs and her horse. She has been able to continue her career as an NP in Oregon with a focus on the geriatric patient and continues to provide primary care to the medically fragile elderly patient in a variety of settings, including in her Portland adult care home. She is very passionate about the elderly and finds deep personal satisfaction in being able to contribute in a positive way to the lives of the seniors she has the privilege to come in contact with.


What We Offer

Graphic of the universal symbol for medicine.

Expert Medical Oversight

Graphic of hands with a heart, symbolizing care.

High Caregiver to Resident Ratio

Graphic of a clock showing 24 hours of availability.

24 Hour Awake Staff

Graphic of a food plate with fork and knife.

Home-Cooked, nutritious Meals

Graphic of someone exercising.

Activities And Exercise


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